The extra mile
May 2021
Charity SkyDive
by Jacob Maddams
"My name is Jacob Maddams, I work for South Western Ambulance Service Foundation Trust as the North and East Devon Community Responder Officer. My primary responsibility is the recruitment, training, ongoing management and support of our amazing volunteers in my Geographical area. I work closely with the South Western Ambulance Charity in my role as they support me and our volunteers secure funding for additional equipment and Raizer lifting chairs which are utilised by our Community First Responders. I made the decision that I would take on the challenge of a skydive to help raise money for the charity to help them “go the extra mile” for the exceptional staff, volunteer heroes and communities supported by the Trust.
"On the 1st of May I completed my jump after hitting my fundraising target of £600. I will admit that although I was certainly up to the challenge with the support of those who had sent encouraging messages and donated, when the door opened and I was leaning out of the plane at 15,000 feet I did contemplate this life choice! It was a truly terrifying experience, although an experience that can only be described as a once in a life time experience which I would certainly recommend for such a good cause! I would also recommend getting in touch with the charity if you would like any guidance or support.
"To find out more about the amazing work the Charity are doing, or access to more information, including if you wish to enquire with a member of our team, or want to make a donation please see the various links below:"
South Western Ambulance Charity Website:
South Western Ambulance Charity Facebook Page:
South Western Ambulance Charity Twitter:
Jacob's fundraising page: