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Wells Community First Responder Group Gets a New Car

Dedicated fundraising and generous community support has enabled the volunteer Community First Responder (CFR) Group in Wells to purchase a new Community Response car.


CFRs volunteer in their communities, providing early emergency aid ahead of ambulance arrival. Responding at any time, day or night, their contribution really does save lives, reduce pain and provide reassurance to patients requiring emergency care.


After their last Responder Vehicle suffered what they have termed a 'CAR-diac arrest' (engine failure!) the Wells CFR group have been fundraising hard for a replacement. Their local PCSO, Samuel, helped raise over £1000 and the Wells Good Afternoon Choir nominated the Wells CFR Group to receive donations totalling over £1400. The Globe Inn held a raffle raising a further £500 and even did further fundraising to install a defibrillator for community use, in case of cardiac arrest.


The Wells CFR Group report that; "As a group we feel very honoured and proud to help our local community and we are very grateful for all of those in our community for their continued support."


There are many ways to show your support and donate to help our heroic CFR volunteers across the South West. Please let us know if you want your donation to support a specific group.

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If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact us on 0300 3690108 or email

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